We are meant to connect.
We live in a world where we can completely disconnect ourselves from people and yet still communicate through technology. However, we need human contact and meeting face to face.
Hebrews 10:24-25 “And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together…encouraging one another…
Mentoring encourages an individual to connect by pairing them with people who are not necessarily in the same circle of friends. It creates new godly friendships. Mentoring also creates accountability, prevents loneliness and even depression because someone cares.
Connecting is the essence of mentoring and by meeting regularly, ideally weekly for a period of six months, the pair develop a special bond.
Small group settings are essential, but I believe that one-on-one mentoring is more personalized and powerful because it allows shy and quiet individuals to speak up, be heard and be validated. In God’s eyes, EVERYONE is important and deserves to have a voice.
We all have busy lives and taking the time to invest in someone seems like another thing to add on our “to do” list, and this means carving time out of our schedule as well as getting out of our comfort zone.
My heart’s desire is to encourage people to mentor and be mentored. This human connection will help us grow in our faith, discover new talents, new ministries and ultimately strengthen our church community.
Am I challenging you to do so? YES, it is time to GET UP! May God richly bless you for this step of faith.
If you are interested in learning more about Pair Up Mentoring, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Lucie Bergeron-Parent
Leader – Pair Up Mentoring
* luciebp@gmail.com
) 905-922-3144