Written By: Lynette Alchin
Recently my thoughts have been very much on the Easter Season which we have just come through. Somehow, it has stayed with me and I have been musing much on the blessed event.
A few nights ago, I was listening to a teaching on the Crucifixion and I was transported into a spiritual dimension I have seldom, if ever, experienced in my years of walking with the Lord. It was glorious, awesome. I felt somewhat like the Apostle Paul (see 2 Cor.12:1-3).
I found myself at the foot of the Cross….but, I didn’t see a Man! All I saw was LOVE personified…such love, such wondrous love! I edged closer and as I continued looking, I didn’t see the cruel stripes and bleeding wounds. All I saw was COMPASSION pouring down. I didn’t see the bruises and torn flesh. All I saw was MERCY & GRACE. The hands, so cruelly pierced with Roman spikes….I didn’t see that. All I saw were hands that broke bread to feed the hungry, hands that healed the lepers, touched the blind, the deaf, the maimed; hands that blessed the little ones and that raised the widow of Nain’s son from his bier. Oh! Those beautiful hands.
I dared to walk a little closer, past the railing, taunting crowds. I didn’t notice the rocky path or the dust. I just saw the beautiful feet of SERVICE to mankind.
The closer I got, walking timidly, step by step, a strong sweet aroma of flowers and the perfume of holy anointing oil and sweet incense enveloped me. I never knew that LOVE had such a beautiful aroma. Did you? I never knew that COMPASSION, MERCY, GRACE & SERVICE could smell so sweet! It was as if I was walking through a beautiful garden with my favourite flowers around me….roses, lily-of-the-valley, the fragile and dainty sweet-pea among others.
I was enthralled. I couldn’t look away. I was enraptured by the presence of LOVE! O beloved: I can never see the crucifixion the same way again. I wish you could have been there with me. What love, what beauty. Now I understand more clearly the scripture…..
Who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame…(Heb.12:2).
God’s richest blessings and His eternal presence be with you all.
Lynette Alchin