By: Lynette Alchin


The  other night while I was musing on my bed after listening to a message, a very old chorus I sang as a child in Sunday School

came into my mind, and I started singing it.  After a couple of times and eventually getting the words right, I suddenly knew this childish chorus had a lot to say.  The chorus? Oh well, here it is…….with references!!

            Shamgar had an ox-goad (Judges 3:31)

          David had a sling (1 Samuel 17:50)

          Samson had a jawbone (Judges 15:15)

          Rahab had some string (Joshua 2:21)

          Dorcas  had a needle (Acts 9:36 & 39)

          Moses had a rod (Exodus 4:2)

          Mary had some ointment  (John 12:3)

          But they all were used by God

Ordinary, everyday things, but in our hands and dedicated to God, they become used for mighty works.  I don’t have to be a theologian or have degrees or be a pastor or an evangelist for God to use me.  Praise His Name!   Just what I have – God-given talents and gifts.  We shortchange ourselves into believing we have nothing, but our ‘nothing’ becomes mighty when dedicated to

Almighty God.  Shamgar was a farmer, David a shepherd boy and so was Moses a shepherd in the backside of the desert, and so on it goes but what they had in their hands became mighty when dedicated to God.  Beloved, let not one of us think we have little to offer our Saviour to do exploits for Him.  We must see that it is not ‘our little’ but His ‘big’ that is the miracle.

Remember the widow woman in 2 Kings 4:1-7?  Ready to give up, had nothing….ONLY A JAR OF OIL!!  The miracle was already in her house.  She didn’t know that the little she had, Elisha – the man of God –  turned into a miracle by the power of God.

Oh beloved! If only we would catch the truth of this little chorus what powerhouses we could be for Almighty God.  May He open our eyes to but see. 

Blessings and great adventure,


1 thought on “WHAT IS THAT IN YOUR HAND?

  1. Wow Lynette, what a great reminder for us to take a long look at what God has already given us, and use it – whatever that may be! Maybe we all need to pause and take inventory. How can I help others with what I have? How can I glorify God in what He has already given me? Great message! 👍🏼

    Keep ✍️ writing!

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